Grocery Budget Myths Busted

Grocery Budget Myths Busted

One of the best ways to bust a budget is at the grocery store. We know we need to eat, so it’s easy to justify spending more! Marketing researchers have focused on how to entice the customer to purchase more of an item, unnecessary items, and luxury items by knowing...
Best Tips For Freezing Food

Best Tips For Freezing Food

If you don’t have a freezer yet, now is the time to get one! A freezer is an excellent investment. You can keep your food fresh longer and stock up on bulk purchases. Freezing food will save you money and help you stretch your food farther. But what all can you...
Secrets of an Extreme Couponer

Secrets of an Extreme Couponer

Extreme couponing is a fascinating hobby. The amount of time and preparation that goes into finding, cutting and organizing coupons is impressive to say the least. It’s incredible to see how much money these hobbyists save and how much product they can buy with little...
Money Saving Resources

Money Saving Resources

When you work hard for your money, you’re in no rush to see it disappear. Everyday expenses can drain your bank account to mere dollars in a matter of days. Luckily, there are some excellent online resources available to help your money last a little longer....
Giving Back through Coupons

Giving Back through Coupons

Extreme Couponers are people who dedicate countless hours to clipping coupons, scouring sales and making detailed lists in order to save the maximum amount of money at the grocery store. There is a growing movement in the community to take excess product and donate it...
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