You’ve probably heard of the browser extension called “Honey.” If you haven’t, prepare to have your mind blown. Honey is something you install on your web browser that automatically looks for and applies coupon codes to every shopping cart on every shopping website. Gone are the days of searching out coupon codes online only to find they don’t work or have expired. Honey keeps up to date on everything going on in the coupon saving world. We’re not just talking about 10% here and there, we are talking big savings, like your favorite bargain basement savings. So, if you’ve heard of it before and want a little more insight into how it works and how to get the most of it, or if you are brand new, here’s exactly everything you need to know about this life-changing wonder.
How to Join
It’s free, before you ask. Simply go to their website, download the browser extension and you are ready to save. It’s always searching for you, taking the guess work out of complicated coupon codes and frustrating searches. It’s like your little shopping buddy who always has a coupon for something in their purse. You’ll be surprised at how much you save without any effort at all.
How it Works
It’s really not a scam or too good to be true. Honey earns a commission from your sale from the company that participates. What’s really even better is Honey takes some of the money from the commission and puts it into their rewards program called “Honey Gold.” This is a reward system to give you more free stuff! Talk about free on top of free!

Honey Gold
Even if Honey doesn’t find a coupon for a website, you can still earn Honey Gold rewards and save up to redeem for gift cards to your favorite stores. So even when you aren’t saving right then and there, you are earning towards saving a huge bonus later on. It’s the ultimate coupon! You can refer people to Honey to get even more Honey Gold. Saving never sounded so good.
Honey on Amazon
Here’s one of the coolest tricks Honey has. Especially if you are a big Amazon shopper – and honestly, who isn’t? Honey will track prices and price changes on Amazon. When you look at an item on Amazon’s website, Honey will let you know if this is the best price or if there’s been a cheaper price in the past few weeks. You’ll know exactly when you are getting the best deal. Honey will even notify you when the price drops on an item, so you are ready to buy at the best time. Could this shopping buddy get any better?
Online shopping can truly be a delight with the wonder of Honey. You’ll be bragging about your savings to all your friends. Start now and wow yourself with the power of Honey behind you.