Searching until you find that perfect deal, couponing by yourself can be fun and adventurous. What makes it even more entertaining and interactive is adding a couple people to your efforts. Get a few of your closest relatives and family members together who share the same thrill of the hunt. You’ll soon find the family that saves together stays together.
Get Excited
Once you’ve assembled your team, start a group text or thread for your couponing efforts. Get everyone involved and hyped up for joining up together to save. This will be your place where you can share what you’ve all found. Get in the habit of sending a message to the group if you find a great deal somewhere. Telling Aunt Shirley her favorite chocolates are on sale will make her very happy and she’ll be sure to think of you next time she sees a great deal. This group chat will be your best friend in your group couponing efforts. It can also be a good excuse for keeping in touch with family members you otherwise might lose connection with.
Areas of Specialty
Put people in charge of certain stores or areas of specialty. If your mom has the corner on grocery stores, put someone else in charge of another type of bargain hunting. Spreading out and having specific people in control of different arenas will expand your efforts as a team and everyone will win together. You could even have a weekly get together to share what’s going on in each of your departments.

Challenge Round
Take your couponing adventures to the next level by making it a challenge. Within your family or group see who can grab the best deal of the week. Making it a challenge will get some fiery competition going and everyone will win in the end. Come up with different challenge areas to keep it going. One week whoever can find the best deal on avocados wins free avocados. You can even set a certain number of weeks or game season and the ultimate winner gets a big prize.
Couponing Party
Have your group or family come over for a couponing party. Everyone brings their supplies, serve up some snacks and drinks and you have an instant fun event on your hands. You can catch up on the weekly gossip while you search and save. Having these meetings will keep your group firing on all cylinders and is a great way to bond and have a few laughs while getting business done. It won’t feel like work searching for your grocery shopping deals if you are having a couple glasses of wine while laughing with your friends and family.
Couponing family fun might be the little boost you need in your shopping life to keep things interesting and enjoyable. Try taking it on with a few other people and it will be a breeze saving money time and time again.