When you work hard for your money, you’re in no rush to see it disappear. Everyday expenses can drain your bank account to mere dollars in a matter of days. Luckily, there are some excellent online resources available to help your money last a little longer. Check out these services that will save your budget.
Ibotta is a free app you can download that will help you save money. You simply load it onto your mobile device, and start saving immediately. According to their website you can, “Earn real cash back every time you shop online or in store, and even when you pay for purchases right from the app with our newest feature, Pay with Ibotta.” All you have to do is upload a picture of your receipt to the app, and all eligible purchases will result in you getting cash back within 24 hours. You can link your store loyalty card to the app and shop online as well. You can even pay through their app now! There are more than 300 retailers participating with this company so the likelihood of you earning cash back is high. If a little effort is worth money, this app is perfect for you.
Rakuten, formerly Ebates, is a service that can help you save at a wide variety of places. Various businesses and websites offer Rakuten a commission for sending customers their way. The percentage you receive back depends on which store you shop at. For example, Sephora offers 8% cash back while Walgreens offers 6%. All you have to do to earn cash back is follow their shopping links to your favorite websites. When your order is reported to the people at Rakuten, they will issue you money back in the form of a check or Paypal deposit. You will receive your funds once every quarter so you’ll have three months worth of purchases with each refund. It costs nothing to use and it’s an easy way to save money.

Honey is a newer service that searches the internet for discount codes and promotions that will save you the most money. We’ve all been at that place where we find an item we love, and subsequently spend hours searching all over the web to find an active discount code. More often than not, the codes aren’t applicable to our items, or they’re expired. Honey does all the heavy lifting for you. They work hard to find you the biggest savings and then automatically apply the code for you. You simply download their software onto your computer and you can get started using it right away. It’s an incredibly user friendly service and the best part about it is that it’s free!
One internet search will provide you with a host of money saving resources. Become someone who holds on to their money for as long as possible. A penny saved truly is a penny earned.